Pick a Printed Canvas

Intricate Ink Canvases can be any of the existing 3000 (and counting) designs printed onto high quality canvas in London, UK. Each printed canvas is available in any size options. From teeny tiny to huge whoppers …the size is totally up to you. Examples in this section are A0 – A4 pricing but any size you wish is possible right up to 5m x 5m! Pop an email to hello@rorydobner.com with whatever bespoke size or alternative existing design from the collection that you have your eye on.

Your canvas can be on unstretched canvas or can be stretched onto a wooden frame ready to hang on the wall. You can combine any number of existing designs together eg multiple smokey fish on one canvas or any combination of the alphabet letters or number illustrations to spell out what you wish or just a single illustration – whatever you wish.

Showing 1–12 of 66 results

Showing 1–12 of 66 results